Tuesday, August 11, 2020

What's New at Paper Arts this week?


This year is definitely a different type of year.  I mean, how crazy is it that we are almost to fall already?  For the longest time it seemed that we were crawling along and couldn't get out of the month of April and nobody knew what day it was or what week and when was the last time we washed our hair, lol?  Then May hit and things seemed to speed up a bit more...and once we hit June and July...it's like, there went the summer!  It's almost over already.  Sheesh.  But, this year, even with it's craziness has led to some amazing things.  Some of the amazing things have been painful (growth always is) and some of them have been fun but they are all always good.  God is always good.  All the time. 

Speaking of growth, Paper Arts has grown.  We have wiggled and squiggled and crammed as much as possible in our little space at 632 W Edmond Road and we are still growing.  If the pandemic did one thing for me, it was that it allowed me to sharpen and tighten the vision for the store and what is coming in to focus is something that you guys will absolutely love.  When I look at it and see what is coming to fruition, it takes my breath away, in a good way.  Our little store is breaking at the seams and I can't wait to show what is coming up for us.  (Watch our social media later this week and possibly even your inbox because another email "may" be coming this week.)

I hope each of you reading this email knows how truly blessed I am that you take the time to read the emails, watch the facebook live videos, follow us on our social media, book the shopping appointments, come to see Shadow & I, take our classes, and allow us to be a part of your life.  Thank you.

Weekly update:
We are still shopping in the store by appointments and we require that you wear a face mask covering your nose and mouth at all times while in the store.  We have hand sanitizer at the entryway for your use as well.  We also are still doing curbside delivery.

Tuesday night -- Facebook Live at 6:45pm
This facebook live will show a few flashback items and some new items as well.  It will not show ALL of the new items as I do try to keep these live videos to 30-45 minutes and to show all of the new items would cause it to be hours long (we are truly receiving that much new product weekly!).  The best way to find out what is new in the store is to make a shopping appointment.  You can schedule a shopping appointment by logging on to our website at Schedule a Shopping Appointment
and pick whichever day you want and then follow the process through (it's like you are purchasing something so you will add it to your cart, but there is no cost).  You will know if you successfully signed up for your chosen time because you will receive an Order Confirmation email that has your date you chose on it. 

The product shown on the Tuesday night Facebook Live will be available on our website under New Products before I go to bed on Tuesday night.


August 12th Shopping Appointment

When:Aug. 12
04:00 pm

Thursday we have shopping appointments from 10-11, 1pm to 2pm and 2:30 to 3:30.  All other appointment spots have been filled.  You can choose one of these spots by going to Thursday on our online schedule here. Thursday's schedule

Thursday evening we have our monthly Planner Class that is held virtually.  If you have signed up for this class, you can pick up your class kit Wednesday afternoon after 1pm. 

Friday we have shopping appointments available 10-11, 11:30-12:30, 1-2, 2:30-3:30, 4-5, and 5:30-6:30.  You can book one of these slots by going to Friday on our online schedule here: Friday's Schedule
Friday night we also have our weekly virtual crop.  The link is always posted on Friday afternoon on our facebook page for easy access.  It's a free crop where folks just log in and hang out and craft the evening away from 7pm to 11pm.  Hope you can join us.

Saturday we have a full day of shopping appointment available as well.  We have 10-11, 11:30-12:30, 1-2, 2:30-3:30 and 4-5.  Those appointments can be booked by going to Saturday on our online schedule here: Saturday's Schedule

Sunday we have our 2nd Session of the Bible Study/Faith Art Journaling Class in the Max Lucado book, Anxious for Nothing.  The link for this class will be sent out on Saturday evening to those who have signed up.  The link will not be live until 15 minutes before the class starts.

For those that took part in our Sizzix Machine sale a few weeks ago, you will be notified when your machine arrives.  They are coming on a semi and I am waiting to hear from Sizzix when that truck is scheduled to arrive and unload the pallets of machines at our store. 

Our Huge Spring Crop/Retreat couldn't happen due to the shelter in place and we had hoped we would be able to have it in the fall at the Community Center but the City of Edmond is not allowing any group functions to be held in their facility for the rest of 2020 so we have done the next best thing.  We have worked with several vendors and we are taking this event ONLINE.  It is a 10 day online event.  We scheduled it this way so that more people can join in the fun.  You don't have to be online the entire time but you are more than welcome to be.  Each day there will be new activities and classes and demos posted throughout the day and you can watch them at your leisure.   You will have a private link to access the private group that is good only for yourself to access and it will be tons of fun!  You will still be able to see the other participants (if they are online at the same time you are).  You can still sign up using this link: Touch of Magic Take 2 Sign Up

I hope you truly have a blessed week.  Hope to see you soon!
Cut, Glue, & Glitter on...

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