Wednesday, August 19, 2020

What's New at 632?

 Friends!!!  There is a ton of stuff going on right now and tons of new product in the store.  I want to encourage you to make an appointment to come in and shop in a safe and secure environment this week.  Just for your own peace of mind, here is what I am doing to make sure that you have a clean and safe environment...yes we have appointments because let's face it, my store is not big.  If I didn't have appointments it would be hard to control the number of people in here and still keep the recommended 6 foot social distancing required for safety.  In addition to the appointments to help with social distancing, masks are required to be worn covering your mouth and nose fully while in the store.  AND I purposely leave a 30 minute space between appointment times so that I can wipe down surfaces with cleaner and properly sanitize the common areas.  I am doing this as much for your safety and health as mine.  None of us can afford to be sick and I value your health and well being too much to risk it.  I hope you feel the same way too. 

So to book an appointment, here are the links of what is currently, at this moment in time available this week:
You can book your appointment by clicking on the highlighted date above the timeslot.

August 20th shopping appointment

When:Aug. 20
10:00 am
August 21 Shopping Appointment

When:Aug. 21
11:30 am
August 21 Shopping Appointment

When:Aug. 21
01:00 pm
August 21 Shopping Appointment

When:Aug. 21
02:30 pm
Aug. 21
04:00 pm
August 21 Shopping Appointment

August 21 Shopping Appointment

When:Aug. 21
10:00 am

August 22nd Shopping Appointment

When:Aug. 22
10:00 am

Now on to bigger news...Yes we are moving.  I can't say where to just yet (a bit superstitious and don't want to jinx it until I have the key to the new place in my hand).  But I can tell you that it is here in the Edmond area in a close radius to our current location.  It is a bigger location and a better location for parking and lots of other things and I have been closely looking for a new place for when our lease ends and this one landed in my lap when I was actually looking at a different property (God is funny that way).  So I'd appreciate everybody's patience while the final details get ironed out and prayers that it happens ASAP.  So, that is coming up (hence the need to close the store down after this weekend for a few days).  I promise I will be doing a HUGE facebook live to show you where the new place is the minute I get the key in my hand. 

We have 15 new collections this week....everything from Breakfast food to Horses to Pet Loss...Make an appointment and come see us!

Cut, Glue, & Glitter on...

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