Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Reopening info, new product and more (as of May 26) at Paper Arts

If you have seen the video on Facebook, you know that we will be reopening by appointment
 on Wednesday, June 3rd.  Each appointment slot will be 1 hour in length (if you feel you will
 need more than 1 hour, you can definitely request 2 hour slots).  To allow for proper social distancing
 at all times and for each person to be able to browse the store during their time slot easier I am only
 allowing 2 people per time slot.   I am requesting that when you arrive for your appointment that you
 wear a mask (covering your mouth and nose) at all times while in the store.  I will also have a hand
sanitizer station set up at the front door that I am asking that each person use before they start shopping
.  I have set the appointments so that I have time between each appointment to sanitize the flat areas
and such between each one (so they are just not all on the hour).  Please note during this time that the
 bathroom is not available for use.  To receive an appointment, you will need to email in and then I will
 send you an appointment confirmation email that you will need to respond to indicating that you have received it and agree to it. 

I will be making appointments on a weekly basis (so next week's email will have the available
 timeslots in it as well).  Remember our days of operations are Wednesday through Sunday. 
I will be completely OFFLINE on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Available appointments left for week of June 3 through June 7:
Wednesday, June 3
11:30 to 12:30  (1 spot left)
2:30 to 3:30 (1 spot left)
4pm to 5pm (2 spots left)

Thursday, June 4
11:30 to 12:30 (1 spot left)
1pm to 2pm (2 spots left)
3pm to 4pm (1 spot left)

Friday, June 5
11:30 to 12:30 (2 spots)
1pm to 2pm (2 spots)
2:30 to 3:30 (1 spot)
4pm to 5pm (1 spot)

Saturday, June 6
10am to 11am (2 spots)
11:30 to 12:30 (2 spots)
1pm to 2pm (2 spots)
2:30 to 3:30 (2 spots)

Sunday, June 7th
12pm to 1pm (1 spot)

During this time of adjustment and reopening, we will be doing curbside pickup as well as shipping
 still.  The Warden & I are still not convinced of the safety of reopening but hopefully we can mitigate
 things as best as we can and through the help of each of you by following the safety guidelines and
parameters we have established for the store, we can all remain healthy.

For the rest of 2020, all of our classes will be held online due to the space we have in the store and the inability to properly socially distance safely.  Currently we are using zoom technology and it is super easy for you, the student, to log in.  The night before the class I will send an email out that has the link for login and the password (I don't send it out earlier because then it allows for time to get deleted or lost in your email).  When it is time for class the next day, you simply click the link, enter the password (when indicated) and watch and follow along with the class and your kit.  You can see me (and watch as I create the project), and I can see you and if you are having problems, I can easily guide you on how to fix the issue.  Students have said that they prefer classes this way because whereas before (in person in store classes) I would just verbally walk you through the project and show you the finished project, now you can see me create the project from start to finish right along with you.  Also, because each person can mute themselves (for instance when they take a phone call), it is easier for everybody to concentrate and hear the instructions. 

Now that the store is reopening next week, you will need to arrange to pickup your class kits or let me know if you are going to need them shipped and I will send you a shipping invoice.  While the store was closed, I gladly delivered class kits to front porches all over the metro area (just to give myself something to do and to get a chance to get out of the house).  It was great fun seeing where folks lived.  However, now that we are reopening, I will no longer have time to do that. 

June Classes
You can see more information and sign up for each class by clicking on the link for each one below.
Hydrangea Card Class, Sunday, June 7
2020 Planner Class, Thursday, June 11
Bible Journaling, Friday, June 12
Northwoods Card Class, Sunday, June 14
Triple Double Page Layout, June 18
Pop Up Card Class, June 20
Fancy Four Layouts, June 23
Foundations Decor Shadowbox Class, June 25
Scrap Your Stash using a 6x6 pad

Some of the new product that we have highlighted recently:

  • Authentique's new All Star sports collections
  • Authentique's Surprise Bundles that they put together for us
  • Special Birthday bundles
  • Graphic 45 Farmhouse Collection
  • Darcie's stamps medical edition
  • Divinity Designs farm Stamps

 A few other things: 
The Disney Crop/Retreat that was originally scheduled for the first weekend of May at the Edmond Community Center will be rescheduled once the city is able to get reopened and I can meet with the building coordinator to get a new date (likely in the fall).  Everybody that had reservations and/or paid for it will be moved to the new date.  The area that this event is held in is massive and since everybody has their own table, it will be easy to socially distance at this event.  So I will let everybody know when the event has a new date.  Thank you for your patience as this was completely out of my control.

I know that a few packages have been lost in the mail over the past several weeks.  I have had a few returned to me totally mutilated and undeliverable even after several weeks.  I have been trying to get these back out as soon as possible once I have repulled or insured that the product is complete and in good condition.  I also know that I am a slow shipper because of the state of the store and the sheer number of orders.  Let me explain what I mean by that.  The first week of shut down I had no orders So I thought it would be a good time to tear the store apart and start a remodel/deep clean. So product was placed in piles or put in boxes so that I could easily move it, displays were moved here and there, etc...some product was placed in neat piles (with 3 or 4 collections on top of each other with the intention of it going to a new area) on the floor.  Then, imagine my surprise when the orders started flowing in (gratefully!).  So I have been rummaging through piles, which in turn made bigger messes, to find product and such.  Pulling an order is at least a 30 to 45 minute process or more.  So putting the store back together is my key focus during these last few days before reopening.  So yes, I know that normally I would be able to pull an order in a matter of minutes because I would know right where something was, that has not been the case the past several weeks because of the disarray.  I appreciate your patience during this shipping time and can't wait to get folks back in the store! We are always collection socks for the Sox of Love project.  So if you have any socks, please feel free to bring them up to the store.  This is an ongoing project that we are involved in throughout the year. 

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